dinsdag 31 december 2013

Ending 2013

So this is the ending of another year, a year that has brought me a lot and also took a lot from me, my family and some of my friends.
A year that I am gratefull to have experienced but also a year I look back at with sadness. 
Everything I have experienced in 2013 will only make me stronger and I've learned a lot, I can look back at this year and proudly say that I've reached almost every goal I had.  

At  the beginning of  2013 my mom and I made moodboards for this year, I made a collage with pictures I found on the internet which I think are inspiring and represent my goals but unfortunatelly I can't show you guys a picture of this moodboard  because I am writing this in the car on my way to family.  
A few goals I had were  to get better at doing make up, learning to  walk in heels (I know, shame on me!), spent more time with my boyfriend and family, get a helix piercing and go to a beautiful city. I reached every of these goals except for the last one but last year december I went to Barcelona and this febuari I'll be going to London so that one doesn't bother me. 

This year I've lost a few friends but got better friends instead. I've experienced friends and family going through some really hard moments and I've tried to be there for them. The fact that 2013 is over doesn't mean that that is the end of their pain and that means that I won't stop trying to help them. 
I hope these people will have a year full of love and I wish them a little extra love.

To all of you reading this I want to say happy new year and make the best of it! 💕 sending love from me to you!

Also thanks so much for reading/following my blog and talk to you in 2014!

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