donderdag 2 januari 2014

My first tutorial!

My first video is now online and I'm so excited to show this, I am a kind of proud that I actually did it and that I did it in english because I am always like terrified of what other people think of me but this year I want to change that and just follow my dreams! I finally realised that my dreams are mine and I am doing what I love for the people that like it but most of all: for me. So from now on I hope I can let the people who talk mean about me and to me only make me stronger and be glad they want to spent their time bringing me down. This year I am going to be proud of me, my body and my passion. Even my dutch english accent couldn't stop me from posting this!

This video is inspired by Kathleen Lights' new years eve look (Click here to see this video) I had to split it in 2 because it was too long to post. I wore this last night on new years eve but you can also wear this to a party or something like that!

part 1


I hope you enjoyed and I will try to do another tutorial soon! 

You can follow me on instagram
For my personal account click here
And for my beauty account click here

Thanks so much for watching and talk to you soon!

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Ik heb het gekeken en heb mij geabboneerd op je! Echt super leuk om te zien! Vooral doorgaan en niets aantrekken wat andere van je vinden!
    Nog een gelukkig nieuwjaar!


    1. Super bedankt en jij ook nog een gelukkig nieuw jaar! 😊
