maandag 28 oktober 2013

I *heart* Halloween!!

When the leaves start falling of the trees all make up artists get out their special effects make up and their creativity. When I open my instagram I see cute dolls, all types of animals, sexy vampires, the most creepy creations and just everything you can think of is being created. Where I live we don't have  halloween. Because I have a blog now I decided to participate in this awesomeness of make up and color.

I wanted to do a vampire look or a sugar skull but because I don't have fangs or lenses so I chose to do the sugar skull.

This is the look I created after seeing about 50 different sugar skulls and comparing them.  I chose to do my skull in red and black to create a bit of a goth feeling.

I totally loved doing this, I wish I had more time to do more halloween looks! I hope you liked it and please don't hate... I know it's not perfect but it's my first ever attempt to do anything skully.

If you want you can follow me on instagram:

Special thanks to my mom and boyfriend because I love them and also a special thank you to Natascha because she's a cutie pie.

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