donderdag 26 september 2013

Welcome :)

Hi and welcome to my blog! 
I'll start my very first blog post ever by introducing myself; 

My name is Joëlle van Kuijeren, I am a girl from the Netherlands and like many girls, I love make-up! 
The story of my love for make up started about 4/5 years ago when I started watching make-up tutorials on youtube, I just had so much fun trying to remake a look and finding my own everyday make-up routine. Ever since I started watching those tutorials I also started collecting make-up. My collection went from one brown mascara to black mascara and a eyepencil, my collection has grown so much that I got boxes to store my make-up as a birthday present because my make-up was just everywhere in my room and on my very messy desk. 

I found out that I want to be a make-up artist when I started to do my own make up and give my friends some advice on what make-up fits them and how to do some things. Sometimes people ask me for my opinion or advice and it makes me just very happy to tell people about make-up and what I think works for them or looks good on them. I also wasn't sure if I wanted to start a blog because I was afraid that people would think it's stupid or something but when I asked my friends and my boyfriend (I have a very cute boyfriend, his name is Michael.) they all said that I should do it if I wanted to. 

I wanted to start a blog because I love talking about make-up but don't be surprised if I will be talking about hair and fashion as well, I think it would be fun to share the things I love. So on this blog you will find my favorite products, reviews of products, pictures, hauls and everything I like to share. I hope you enjoy and I will try to post everything I think is interesting and fun!

If you are interested in following me on instagram this is my ig name: @joellehmvk

Thanks for reading this and please keep up with me if you are interested in make-up. :)

A special thanks to Natascha because she is awesome and she chose the name of my blog, My mom because I love her and to my boyfriend because he is adorable and always supportive :)

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